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Better for the environment and improves taste of artisanal creations too

December 2022: A newly launched butter - created by chefs, for chefs - has received an independent accolade for the minimal impact it has on the environment, taking into consideration climate impact, water use, animal welfare and rainforest protection.

The founders of Be Better My Friend plant-based butter sought independent verification from Swiss-based sustainability bureau Eaternity, which contributes to the implementation of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals by seeking to establish sustainable foods in society.

Be Better, which was launched in the UK last month, is used by renowned chefs worldwide and has a neutral taste. The plant-based butter enables artisans to bring the flavours they want to highlight to the forefront in a pure, honest and more intense way. These flavours are often masked by the taste of dairy butter.

By reviewing every aspect of the products, including ingredients, energy, packaging and transport, Be Better received the highest score when it comes to climate, water, animal welfare and rainforest protection.

Eaternity placed it within the top three per cent for lack of impact on the climate and in the top seven per cent for lowest water use, compared to other butters.

Be Better’s climate footprint is 76% better than the current average and the water scarcity footprint 27% better. Eaternity also confirmed:

● The shea nuts used in Be Better are a natural, forest product and not farmed, fertilised or irrigated. Therefore, no additional water is needed in their growth

● The product is vegan, so no animals are harmed in its production

● Be Better doesn’t include any ingredients which immediately endanger the rainforest

Founder and award-winning international pastry chef Marike van Beurden said: “Be Better was founded with the ambition to make great tasting products that make a positive impact on the world. We believe that everyone in the food production industry can strive to ‘be better’ when it comes to their environmental footprint, as pastry tastes so much better if it makes you feel better too.

“The reasons for switching to Be Better are manyfold, with its neutral taste and purity being one of the key reasons for chefs. In addition, it is better for the environment, kind to animals and cheaper than dairy butter; particularly relevant in these times of spiralling energy costs.

Judith Ellens, co-founder and head of science at Eaternity, said: “Our food choices are responsible for one-third of manmade greenhouse gas emissions. We have the potential to reduce food related emissions by at least 50% through smart diet choices. Acting accordingly improves more than any technological advancement ever will.”

Notes to editors: About Be Better My Friend

Be Better My Friend is the Dutch-based company set up by co-founders chef Marike van Beurden, food scientist Pere Castells and global food strategist Joost Lindeman. They share a vision to cease pastry’s dependency on animal-derived ingredients by crafting delicious plant-based alternatives and revolutionising the industry.

Their first product, a plant-based butter, is currently available in nine countries: UK, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Hungary, Greece, Australia and Singapore and is expanding as its reputation grows.

*You can read more about Be Better’s sustainability score results in Eaternity’s findings here.

For more information, interviews and images, please contact: Leopard Print PR Luc de Boer Vanessa Munnings Phone: +31611028479 +447907174770 Email:

Please see a link to Be Better My Friend digital media kit, which contains:

A fact sheet, pack shots, logo, high-resolution product shots and videos.



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